
The TAO of Topic Maps
The classic introduction to Topic Maps, which takes as its starting point the forms of navigation with which we are all familiar from the world of printed information: indexes, glossaries and thesauri.

Metadata? Thesauri? Taxonomies? Topic Maps!
Describes how Topic Maps compare to familiar concepts like metadata, taxonomies, and thesauri, and how they go beyond what these can do, while at the same time allowing these familiar techniques to be used with Topic Maps.

What is Topic Maps?
This article published on XML.com gives a basic introduction to Topic Maps.

The XML Papers: Lessons on Applying Topic Maps
A follow-on article for those that have already read "The TAO". This paper describes some of the basic steps in applying Topic Maps in a real world application, a Topic Maps-driven web portal of conference papers.

Towards Seamless Knowledge — Integrating Public Sector Portals in Norway
A presentation covering the story of how Topic Maps has "taken off" in Norway — primarily as a vehicle for web portals in the public sector — and how this is paving the way for realizing the vision of "Seamless Knowledge".