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Occurrences of this Type (64)

  • A compact textual syntax for writing Topic Maps, handy when authoring Topic Maps in a text editor. (Linear Topic Map Notation (LTM))
  • A contribution to the debate on the "Identity Crisis" of the Web, showing how concepts developed as part of XML Topic Maps - in particular, the notion of subject indicators - provide an elegant solution. (Curing the Web's Identity Crisis: Subject Indicators for RDF)
  • A follow-on article for those that have already read "The TAO". This paper describes some of the basic steps in applying Topic Maps in a real world application, a Topic Maps-driven web portal of conference papers. (The XML Papers: Lessons on Applying Topic Maps)
  • A paper about schemas for topic maps from XML Europe 2000. It discusses the need for a schema system, gives examples of possible constraints that a schema could describe, and examines existing constraint mechanisms and their applicability to topic maps. The slides from the presentation are also available. (Creating semantically valid topic maps)
  • A paper from Extreme Markup 2001 that provides the first ever in-depth examination of the topic map concept of "scope": What scope is, how to use it, how it relates to "context", and not least how applications might take advantage of it when processing a topic map. (Towards a General Theory of Scope)
  • A paper from XML 1999 that contains an introduction to topic maps followed by a discussion of extended concepts such as topic map templates, type hierarchies, association types and constraints. (Topic maps: Introduction and Allegro)
  • A paper from XML Europe 2000 relating topic maps with semantic networks and conceptual graphs, and proposing a topic map query language (TMQL). (The answer is just a question [of topic maps matching])
  • A paper from XML Europe 2001 that describes a query language for topic maps called tolog. This query language is inspired by Prolog and fully supports the TMQL requirements. It has a clear and simple syntax, and its basic features are easy to implement. (tolog – a topic map query language)
  • A presentation covering the story of how Topic Maps has "taken off" in Norway — primarily as a vehicle for web portals in the public sector — and how this is paving the way for realizing the vision of "Seamless Knowledge". (Towards Seamless Knowledge — Integrating Public Sector Portals in Norway)
  • A presentation on what Web 2.0 is, exactly, and how it compares with Topic Maps. Looks at wikis, tagging, and folksonomies, and gives some examples of Topic Maps-based Web 2.0 applications. (Web 2.0 and Topic Maps)
  • A proposal for a canonical XML-based format for Topic Maps suitable for use in test suites and so on. Now obsolete and replaced by the ISO standard CXTM. (Canonical XTM)
  • A site showing the status of the current work on the different ISO standards related to Topic Maps. (Other ISO standards)
  • A specification of how to create a valid XTM document that contains all information about a single topic, in such a way that multiple fragments can be retrieved using, say, a web service, and correctly merged together. (XTM Fragment Interchange)
  • A tutorial introducing the Ontopia Schema Language developed for Ontopia. It is now mostly of historical interest, and will be replaced by the ISO standard TMCL. (Ontopia Schema Language (OSL))
  • A tutorial introduction to the tolog topic map query language, which is implemented in the Ontopia, and which can also be used in the Omnigator. (tolog – a tutorial)
  • About how to deal with both topic maps and RDF. The paper shows how to do data conversion in both directions, how to convert RDF schemas to topic map schemas, how to use OWL with topic maps, shows how to do queries across both representations, and also shows how it is possible to have vocabularies that can be used with both topic maps and RDF. (Living with topic maps and RDF)
  • Advanced papers on subjects related to Topic Maps, going into more depth. (Advanced)
  • After a almost a year Ontopia 5.2.0 has just been released. This is a major release which fixes several bugs and adds some minor new functionality. It’s also the first full Maven release. For the full details, please see the release notes. (Ontopia 5.2.0 released)
  • After a short beta period Ontopia 5.1.3 has just been released. This is a fairly minor release which fixes a few bugs and adds some minor new functionality. For the full details, please see the release notes.<img alt="" border="0" src="http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=ontopia.wordpress.com&amp;blog=7947028&amp;post=343&amp;subd=ontopia&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1" width="1" height="1" /> (Ontopia 5.1.3 released)
  • After five betas Ontopia 5.1.1 was released today. The main changes in this version are support for geotagging in Ontopoly, pluggable support for authentication and authorization, and a number of bug fixes. See the changelog for further details.<img alt="" border="0" src="http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=ontopia.wordpress.com&amp;blog=7947028&amp;post=306&amp;subd=ontopia&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1" width="1" height="1" /> (Ontopia 5.1.1 is released)
  • An RDF vocabulary for describing RDF ontologies so that they can be converted into Topic Maps producing natural and directly usable results. (RTM: An RDF-to-TM mapping vocabulary)
  • An article that appeared in Markup Languages: Theory and Practice, Vol. 1 No. 4 (MIT Press, 1999). Contains additional material under the subject headings "Topic maps and reference works publishing" and "Topic maps and RDF". (Navigating haystacks and discovering needles)
  • An in-depth paper about the similarities and differences between these semantic web technologies. It introduces all of the technologies, comparing them to a simple conceptual model that highlights how they compare. A demonstration of how to map data between the technologies is also given. (Topic maps, RDF, DAML, OIL: A comparison)
  • Around the world many production applications based on Ontopia are running, and this page presents some of them. (Success stories)
  • Articles preserved mostly for their historical value. (Older articles)
  • At TMRA 2010 it struck me that we&#8217;d never really documented or described the optimizations that we do on tolog queries, and so I thought it would be useful to explain that. I did this in a 5-minute presentation in the open space session, the slides to which are embedded below.<img alt="" border="0" src="http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=ontopia.wordpress.com&amp;blog=7947028&amp;post=300&amp;subd=ontopia&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1" width="1" height="1" /> (The tolog optimizations in Ontopia)
  • Blog for the Ontopia project (Ontopia's Blog)
  • David Damen of SpaceApps has checked in the first version of Tropics, the RESTful web service API to Ontopia discussed here earlier. The README file has build instructions, while more in-depth explanations can be found in the TMRA talk about Tropics. The design document describes the interface in more detail.<img alt="" border="0" src="http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=ontopia.wordpress.com&amp;blog=7947028&amp;post=333&amp;subd=ontopia&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1" width="1" height="1" /> (Tropics added to Ontopia sandbox)
  • Describes how Topic Maps compare to familiar concepts like metadata, taxonomies, and thesauri, and how they go beyond what these can do, while at the same time allowing these familiar techniques to be used with Topic Maps. (Metadata? Thesauri? Taxonomies? Topic Maps!)
  • Discusses the interpretation of scope (or the semantics of scope) and the effect of scope on the merging of topic characteristics when two topics are merged. (Structuring Scope)
  • Examination of the intersection of topic maps and knowledge representation. (Topic maps and knowledge representation)
  • Kal Ahmed's XML Europe 2000 paper discussing the potential application of topic maps as an interface to a multi-user document repository. (Topic Maps for repositories)
  • Lars Marius Garshol has posted a proposal for a push form of SDshare to the topicmapmail mailing list. The need for this form of the protocol is explained in this blog posting. Thoughts and opinions on the design are very much welcome.<img alt="" border="0" src="http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=ontopia.wordpress.com&amp;blog=7947028&amp;post=337&amp;subd=ontopia&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1" width="1" height="1" /> (A proposal for SDshare push)
  • Lars Marius Garshol wrote a short blog posting outlining how SDShare works and what it can be used for. This might be useful reading for those wondering what the Ontopia SDShare implementation is good for. Note that the SDShare implementation in Ontopia has now been extended with a client web application making it easy to [...]<img alt="" border="0" src="http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=ontopia.wordpress.com&amp;blog=7947028&amp;post=329&amp;subd=ontopia&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1" width="1" height="1" /> (Why SDShare is useful)
  • Learn about Ontopia, the world's most feature-complete Topic Maps product. (Ontopia - the product)
  • Ontopia 5.1.3 beta 1 has just been released. This is a fairly minor release which fixes a few bugs and adds some minor new functionality. For the full details, please see the release notes.<img alt="" border="0" src="http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=ontopia.wordpress.com&amp;blog=7947028&amp;post=340&amp;subd=ontopia&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1" width="1" height="1" /> (Ontopia 5.1.3 beta 1 released)
  • Ontopia 5.2.1 has just been released. This is a minor release which fixes the vizigator and vizlet in the distribution. For the full details, please see the release notes. (Ontopia 5.2.1 released)
  • Ontopia 5.2.2 has just been released. This release is a bug fix release and introduces some new API methods for TopicIF. For the full details, please see the release notes. (Ontopia 5.2.2 released)
  • Ontopia 5.3.0 has just been released. This release is a bug fix and cleanup release and adds the new NameIF interface. For the full details, please see the release notes. (Ontopia 5.3.0 released)
  • Ontopia 5.4.0 has just been released. For the full details, please see the release notes. (Ontopia 5.4.0 released)
  • Ontopia's comments on an early draft of the XTM 1.0 syntax. Made available here since it may be of historical interest. (The Ontopia XTM Comments)
  • Outlines a proposal for an more prescriptive treatment of the concepts of scope and what it means for a characteristic assignment to be valid. The document goes on to propose the means by which this approach to scope might be encoded in an XML document. (A Proposal for Extending Scope in XTM)
  • Reference documentation for all tolog predicates. (tolog predicate reference)
  • Slides from a presentation covering the principles of automated topic map generation from structured knowledge, document metadata, information systems, structured document content, and unstructured document content. (Methods for the Automatic Construction of Topic Maps)
  • Slides from a slightly naughty presentation describing a toolkit that uses RDF to generate topic maps from really dirty data. (The Ontopia MapMaker: Leveraging RDF to autogenerate Topic Maps)
  • Specifications of technologies used in Ontopia, such as the LTM format, the tolog query language, the OSL schema language, and so on. (Specifications)
  • Ten theses on the relationship between Topic Maps and RDF. This is a second cut at understanding the similarities and differences between these two approaches to making information findable. (Ten Theses on Topic Maps and RDF)
  • The classic introduction to Topic Maps, which takes as its starting point the forms of navigation with which we are all familiar from the world of printed information: indexes, glossaries and thesauri. (The TAO of Topic Maps)
  • The current standard XML syntax for Topic Maps, defined in terms of the TMDM. This syntax is implemented by Ontopia and many other Topic Maps tools. (ISO 13250-3: XTM 2.0)
  • The first XML syntax for Topic Maps, defined by TopicMaps.org in 2001, and later incorporated in the ISO standard. It has now been superseded by XTM 2.0. (XML Topic Maps (XTM) 1.0)
  • The original Topic Maps standard was published in 1999. This is the updated edition from 2003, which includes the XTM 1.0 syntax. (ISO/IEC 13250:2002 Topic Maps)
  • The original paper from XML Europe 1999 containing an introduction (now superceded), an account of the applicability of topic maps to reference works publishing (see rather the Markup Languages article, above), and the Euler Connection. (Euler, topic maps and revolution)
  • The standard data model for Topic Maps, which defines the basic concepts of Topic Maps and their structure. This is the key Topic Maps standard. (ISO 13250-2: Topic Maps Data Model (TMDM))
  • The topic map for the Ontopia.net web site. (Ontopia site TM)
  • This article published on XML.com gives a basic introduction to Topic Maps. (What is Topic Maps?)
  • This paper defines a formal model, called Q, in which Topic Maps and RDF have the same representation, which means that it's possible to hide most differences between the two by using this model. The paper is very technical, and assumes familiarity with both Topic Maps and RDF, so it may be best to read the "Living..." paper first. The slides from the presentation are also available. (Q: A unifying model for RDF and Topic Maps)
  • This paper describes an interpretation of scope based on the past few years of research on the subject. Based on this it defines two mathematical operators for scope filtering which correspond to common use cases for scope. (A Theory of Scope)
  • This paper explains a new approach for creating topic maps from existing data sources. The approach consists of a three-step procedure, and includes going via RDF to produce the final topic map. (Automagic Topic Maps)
  • This paper outlines what is required of topic maps in order to gain the most benefit from them. A topic map architecture is described which covers a variety of information repositories. (Seriously capable Topic Maps)
  • This paper shows how topic maps can address the limitations of traditional content management systems while building on their strengths. The term ITMS (Integrated Topic Management System) is coined for a content management system based on topic maps, and the paper shows what is necessary to build such systems, as well as what benefits they bring. (Topic Maps in content management: The rise of the ITMS)
  • Trond Pettersen has written a small service to embed tolog in YQL (Yahoo Query Language), which he describes in a blog posting. Essentially, this takes a tolog query and the URI of a topic map, and produces JTM 1.1-like output suitable for further processing YUI3.<img alt="" border="0" src="http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=ontopia.wordpress.com&amp;blog=7947028&amp;post=326&amp;subd=ontopia&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1" width="1" height="1" /> (Ontopia and YQL)
  • Understand this semantic technology, which supports findability, linked data, and much more. (Introductions to Topic Maps)
  • We have just released Ontopia 5.1.2. This release includes three Ontopoly bug-fixes. Download it here.<img alt="" border="0" src="http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=ontopia.wordpress.com&amp;blog=7947028&amp;post=318&amp;subd=ontopia&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1" width="1" height="1" /> (Ontopia 5.1.2 is released)
  • We thought it might be interesting to show off one of the new features in 5.1.1: geotagging. Let&#8217;s imagine that you are making a map of pubs, as some of us do. The geographical location of a pubs is a very important piece of information to attach to it, so let&#8217;s do that. We create [...]<img alt="" border="0" src="http://stats.wordpress.com/b.gif?host=ontopia.wordpress.com&amp;blog=7947028&amp;post=310&amp;subd=ontopia&amp;ref=&amp;feed=1" width="1" height="1" /> (Geotagging in Ontopoly)
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