The Web Editor Action Library

Reference Documentation

Ontopia 5.1 2010-06-09


The actions are Java classes used by the Web Editor Framework to receive information from the web forms produced using the framework and update the topic map. Each action operates on an object, and may take a number of positional parameters. This document provides a reference to all actions included with the framework.

The Web Editor Framework consists of some more actions than those documented here, and we are aware that this library of actions is unlikely to satisfy all needs. If you cannot find the action you need or cannot make one of the actions do what you want them to do, please send an email to the mailing list and let us know.

The general actions

These are actions that require no particular object, and which do not fall into any of the other categories. The package name is net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.impl.actions.



This action does nothing, and is used as a dummy action in situations where the framework requires an action, but none is really wanted.


Used to dynamically set the page the user is to be forwarded to when form processing is complete.

Name Required Value Description
uri no string The URI the user will be forwarded to. Defaults to the value of the HTTP request if not given. If neither is given nothing happens.
parameter no, repeatable string The name of a parameter whose value in the form is to be passed on to the forward page. This parameter can be repeated any number of times.

HTTP request parameter

Used as the fallback value for the uri parameter if given. Not required.


Sets the page the user will be forwarded to, overriding the configuration in actions.xml, and allows parameters from the form being submitted to be passed on to the next page.

The topic map actions

These are actions at the topic map level. The package name is net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.impl.actions.topicmap.



Used to create an association, and, optionally, set its type.

Name Required Value Description
topicmap yes topic map The topic map in which the association will be created.
assoctype no topic The association type of the new association.
player no topic A topic participating in the association.

Will always create a new association within the current topic map. If the assoctype parameter is set the association will get that topic as its association type. If the player parameter is set an association role with that topic as its player will be created.


Used to create a topic, and, optionally, set its type.

Name Required Value Description
topicmap yes topic map The topic map within which the topic will be created.
type no topic The topic type of the new topic.

Will always create a new topic within the current topic map. If the type parameter is set the topic will get that topic as its topic type. If the type parameter is not provided the tag will see if the action value can be used to find a topic to use as the type.

The topic map object actions

These are actions that apply equally to all kinds of topic map objects. The package name is net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.impl.actions.tmobject.



Adds a item identifier to a topic map object.

Name Required Value Description
object yes topic map object The topic map object to which the item identifier will be added.

HTTP request parameter

A URI. Added as the new item identifier. Required.


A URI locator is created from the given string value and added as the item identifier of the object in the object parameter. An error will be thrown if the string value is not a syntactically valid URI.


Adds a topic to the object’s scope.

Name Required Value Description
object yes a topic name, variant name, occurrence, or association The object whose scope will be increased.

HTTP request parameter

A topic ID. The topic is added as the new theme. Required.


The topic selected is added to the scope of the topic map object. If the topic is already part of the scope nothing happens.


Deletes the topic map object from the topic map.

Name Required Value Description
objects yes topic map object collection The object(s) to be deleted.
next no topic map object The object that is to be considered the current object on the forward page. Effectively sets the id request parameter.

HTTP request parameter

Topic map object ID(s). Used as fallback value for the objects parameter.


The topic map objects being acted on will be deleted from the topic map using the DeletionUtils. If the objects parameter is not given the action will try to use the request parameter value.


Evaluates an LTM fragment to add content to the topic map.

Name Required Value Description
topicmap yes a topic map object The topic map to read the LTM fragment into.
fragment yes string The LTM fragment.

HTTP request parameter

A string, a URI, or a topic map object ID. Used to produce the value for the %value% and %topic% tokens.


The LTM fragment is imported into the topic map, in such a way that the IDs in the fragment can refer to topics already in the topic map. The token %new% will, if present in the fragment, be replaced with a unique topic map ID, which will create a new topic. If present, %value% will be replaced by the string value of the request parameter that triggered the action.

The action can also be used with one or more topic map objects as the values of the triggering form control, in which case the fragment will be evaluated once for each topic map object with the %topic% token will replaced by the symbolic ID of the current topic map object.


Validates modified objects against an OSL schema to ensure that the data has not been incorrectly modified.

Name Required Value Description
object yes a set of topic maps, associations, and topics The objects to validate.

HTTP request parameter

The HTTP request parameter, if any, will be ignored.


The objects in the object parameter will be validated against the OSL schema registered for the current topic map. If errors are found, or if there is no schema, a critical error is thrown. If no errors are found nothing happens.


Removes an item identifier from the topic map object.

Name Required Value Description
object yes topic map object The topic map object which is to lose an item identifier.
locator | URI string yes locator The locator that is to be removed.

Removes the locator in the locator parameter from the topic map object in the object parameter.


Removes a topic from the topic map object’s scope.

Name Required Value Description
object yes a topic name, variant name, occurrence, or association The object whose scope should be shrunk.

HTTP request parameter

A topic ID. Removed from the scope. Required.


The topic selected is removed from the scope of the topic map object. If the topic is not already part of the scope nothing happens.


Removes the type of the topic map object (occurrence, association, or association role).

Name Required Value Description
object yes topic map object The topic map object which will lose its type.

The type of the object in the object parameter is set to nothing, whether or not it already had a type.


Replaces the object’s scope.

Name Required Value Description
object yes a topic name, variant name, occurrence, or association The object whose scope will be set.
scope yes a collection of topics The scoping topics.

The topics given in the second parameter will be used to replace the scope object in the first parameter.


Sets one of the item identifier of a topic map object to a new value.

Name Required Value Description
object yes topic map object The topic map object whose item identifier is to be changed.
locator | URI string yes locator The item identifier to modify.

HTTP request parameter

A URI. Added as the new item identifier of the object. Required.


Removes the locator from the item identifiers of the topic map object in the object parameter. A new item identifier created from the request parameter’s string value is then added to the topic map object.


Sets the type of the topic map object (occurrence, association, or association role) to the chosen topic.

Name Required Value Description
object yes topic map object The object whose type is to be set.

HTTP request parameter

A topic object ID. The new type of the object. Required.


The type of the topic map object in the object parameter is set to the chosen topic, regardless of whether the object already had a type.


Runs a tolog query to select the objects that are going to be deleted from the topic map.

Name Required Value Description
query yes string(s) The tolog query or queries.

HTTP request parameter

Topic map object ID(s). The query will be run once for each, with the %topic% parameter set to the topic map object. Note that any kind of topic map object can be passed in. The parameter is called %topic% only for reasons of backwards compatibility. Required.


For every topic map object in the triggering request parameter the query will be run once for each value, and the value can then be accessed in the query using the %topic% parameter. If there are no topic map object values the query will not be run at all. The objects are deleted using the DeletionUtils.

This action is generally used when deleting one topic map object requires many other objects to be deleted with it. An example of this might be deleting a composer in the Italian Opera topic map; when doing this one might want the composer’s operas to be deleted, as well as the characters and arias in those operas. This tag would make it possible to do that by using a query selecting all the topics to be deleted.

The association actions

These are actions that apply to associations. The package name is net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.impl.actions.association.



Used to create, delete, or change an association from one topic to another.

Name Required Value Description
association yes association The association itself. This parameter may be empty.
assoctype yes topic The type of the association. Used when a new association is created.
fixedplayer yes topic Topic on near side of the association. Used when a new association is created.
fixedrole yes topic Type of role played by the topic on near side of the association. Used when a new association is created.
otherrole yes topic Type of role played by topic being assigned as player on remote side of association.
othertopic no topic If specified, changes the behaviour of the action to use this topic as the topic at the other side of the association, in order to make the action work with checkboxes.

HTTP request parameter

A topic object ID. The topic set as the other player in the association. Required if the othertopic parameter is not given.


If the association parameter is empty a new association will be created using the information in the other parameters, and the chosen topic will be assigned as the player of the remote role.

If the association already exists the chosen topic will be assigned as the player of the remote role (this assumes that there is only one role of the remote type). If no topic is chosen the association will be deleted.

Specifying the othertopic parameter changes the behaviour of the action. If given, this topic is the topic on the other side of the association, and if the request parameter has a value (any value) the association will be created (unless it already exists, in which case nothing happens), whereas if it does not have a value the association will be deleted. The purpose of this is to make it possible to use the action with a checkbox where the user can create/delete the association by checking/unchecking the box.

The association role actions

These are actions that apply to association roles. The package name is net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.impl.actions.assocrole.



Sets the player of an association role.

Name Required Value Description
role yes association role The association role whose player is to be set.
player yes topic The topic to set as the player.

HTTP request parameter

A topic object ID. The topic to set as the player, if the player parameter is not given. Required if the player parameter is not given.


The action will set the player of the association role in the role parameter to the topic in the player parameter if that parameter is given. If the player parameter is not given the action uses the object value of the request parameter that triggered the action.

The role must have a value, otherwise an error will occur.

The topic actions

These are actions that apply to topics. The package name is net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.impl.actions.topic.



Adds a new subject identifier to a topic.

Name Required Value Description
topic yes topic The topic that is to get a new subject identifier.

A new URI locator will be created from the string value passed to the action and added as a subject identifier of the topic in the topic parameter. If some topic already has that subject identifier or item identifier an error will be thrown.


Add a new type to a topic, in addition to any types it may already have.

Name Required Value Description
topic yes topic The topic to add the new type to.

The selected topic will be added as a new type of the topic in the topic parameter, regardless of what types it may already have.


Removes a subject identifier from a topic.

Name Required Value Description
topic yes topic The topic to remove the subject identifier from.
locator yes locator | URI string The locator that is to be removed.

Removes the locator in the locator parameter from the subject identifiers of the topic in the topic parameter. If the topic does not already have the subject identifier nothing happens.


Removes a type from a topic.

Name Required Value Description
topic yes topic The topic to remove the type from.
type yes topic The type to be removed.

Removes the topic in the type parameter from the types of the topic in the topic parameter. If the topic does not already have the given type nothing happens.


Sets a subject identifier of a topic to a specific value.

Name Required Value Description
topic yes topic The topic whose subject identifier is to be modified.
locator yes locator | URI string The subject identifier to modify.

The locator in the locator parameter is removed from the topic in the topic parameter. A new locator is then constructed from the string value passed to the action and added as a subject identifier of the topic, thus effectively replacing the original locator.

If the string value is not a syntactically valid URI the action will fail with an error. If the string is empty this will be considered an invalid URI. The SetSubjectIndicator2 action (SetSubjectIndicator2) will in this case delete the subject identifier.


Sets a subject identifier of a topic to a specific value.


This action is identical to the SetSubjectIndicator action (SetSubjectIndicator), except that when given an empty string it will delete the subject identifier.


Sets the subject locator of a topic to a specific value.

Name Required Value Description
topic yes topic The topic whose subject locator is to be modified.
locator yes locator | URI string The new subject locator for the given topic.

The subject locator of the topic is set to the value given by the user, regardless of whether the topic had any subject locator from before. Any previous subject locator will be overwritten. It is an error if the string value is not a valid URI; if it is empty any already existing subject locator will be deleted.


Sets the type of a topic to a given topic.

Name Required Value Description
topic yes topic The topic whose type will be set.

The topic in the topic parameter will get the selected topic as its type, replacing all previous types.

The topic name actions

These are actions that apply to topic names. The package name is net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.impl.actions.basename.



Creates a new topic name and sets its string value.

Name Required Value Description
topic yes topic The topic to which the new topic name will be attached.
scope no topic(s) The scope of the new topic name.
type no topic The type of the new topic name.

Creates a new topic name, attaches it to the topic in the topic parameter, and sets its string value to the given value. If the type parameter is set the topic in it will be set as the type of the new topic name. If the scope parameter is set all the topics in it are added to the scope of the new basename.


Sets the string value of a topic name from a text field.

Name Required Value Description
topicname yes topic name The topic name whose string value will be set. May be empty.
topic no topic The topic containing the topic name; used if a new topic name must be created.
scope no topic(s) Scoping topics added to the topic name if one has to be created.
type no topic The type given to the new topic name, if one has to be created.

HTTP request parameter

The string value of the topic name is set to this.


If the basename parameter is empty a new base name attached to the topic in the topic parameter will be created. If the type parameter is provided the topic there given is set as the topic name type. If the scope parameter is given all the topics in it will be added to the scope of the topic name.

If the basename parameter contains a topic name its string value will be set, unless the HTTP request parameter is empty or null, in which case the topic name is removed.

The occurrence actions

These are actions that apply to occurrences. The package name is net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.impl.actions.occurrence.



Adds an external occurrence to the topic with the string value provided by the user as the URI.

Name Required Value Description
topic yes topic The topic the occurrence is to be attached to.
type yes topic The type of the new occurrence.
scope no topic(s) The scope of the new occurrence.

Adds a new external occurrence to the topic being acted on. The string value provided by the user is set as the URI of the occurrence, and if the type parameter is provided the topic there given is set as the occurrence type. If the string given by the user is not a valid URI the action will fail with an error message. If the scope parameter is set, every topic in it is added to the scope of the new occurrence.


Adds an internal occurrence to the topic with the string value provided by the user.

Name Required Value Description
topic yes topic The topic the occurrence is to be attached to.
type yes topic The type of the new occurrence.
scope no topic(s) The scope of the new occurrence.

Adds a new internal occurrence to the topic in the topic parameter. The string value provided by the user is set as the occurrence value, and if the type parameter is provided the topic there given is set as the occurrence type. If the scope parameter is set, all the topics there are added to the scope of the new occurrence.


Timestamps the topic passed to it with an occurrence containing the time and date of the topic’s last modification.

Name Required Value Description
topic yes topic The topic to be timestamped.

After execution the topic will have an occurrence of type last-modified-at that contains a time stamp in the format “2003-11-05 1800” set to the time when the action was executed. If the topic didn’t have this occurrence already it will be created, and if the last-modified-at topic did not exist it will also be created. The last-modified-at topic is identified by the subject identifier


Sets the locator of an external occurrence to the given string value.

Name Required Value Description
occurrence yes occurrence The occurrence being modified; may be empty.
topic no topic The topic the occurrence is to be attached to.
type no topic The type given to the new occurrence, if one has to be created.

If the occurrence parameter is not empty the locator of that occurrence is set to the string provided by the user.

If the occurrence parameter is empty a new occurrence attached to the topic in the topic parameter is created and its locator set to the value provided by the user. If the type parameter is set the topic in it will be set as the type of the new occurrence.

In either case, if the string provided by the user is not a syntactically valid URI the action will fail with an error message. This includes the case where the string is empty. The SetLocator2 action (SetLocator2) behaves identically to this action, except that when the string is empty it will delete the occurrence from the parent topic.


Sets the locator of an external occurrence to the given string value.


This action is identical to SetLocator action (SetLocator), except that when given an empty string it will delete the occurrence.


Sets the string value of an internal occurrence to the given string value.

Name Required Value Description
occurrence yes occurrence The occurrence being modified; may be empty.
topic no topic The topic the occurrence is to be attached to.
type no topic The type given to the new occurrence, if one has to be created.

If the occurrence parameter is not empty the string value of that occurrence is set to the string provided by the user.

If the occurrence parameter is empty a new occurrence attached to the topic in the topic parameter is created and its string value set to the value provided by the user. If the type parameter is set the topic in it will be set as the type of the new occurrence.

Note that if the string value given by the user is empty the string value of the occurrence will be set to the empty string. The SetValue2 action (SetValue2) would in this case delete the occurrence.


Sets the string value of an internal occurrence to the given string value.


This action is identical to SetValue action (SetValue), except that when given an empty string it will delete the occurrence.

The variant actions

These are actions that apply to variant names. The package name is net.ontopia.topicmaps.webed.impl.actions.variant.



Adds an external variant to the topic name with the string value provided by the user as the URI.

Name Required Value Description
basename yes topic name The topic name the variant is to be attached to.
scope no topic(s) The scope of the new variant.

Adds a new external variant to the topic name in the base name parameter. The string value provided by the user is set as the URI of the variant, and if the scope parameter is set, every topic in it is added to the scope of the new variant. If the string given by the user is not a valid URI the action will fail with an error message.


Adds an internal variant to the topic name with the string value provided by the user.

Name Required Value Description
basename yes topic name The topic name the variant is to be attached to.
scope no topic(s) The scope of the new variant.

Adds a new internal variant to the topic name in the topic name parameter. The string value provided by the user is set as the variant value, and if the scope parameter is set, all the topics there are added to the scope of the new variant.


Sets the locator of an external variant to the given string value.

Name Required Value Description
variant yes variant The variant being modified; may be empty.
topicname no topic name The topic name the variant is to be attached to.

If the variant parameter is not empty the locator of that variant is set to the string provided by the user.

If the variant parameter is empty a new variant attached to the topic name in the basename parameter is created and its locator set to the value provided by the user.

In either case, if the string provided by the user is not a syntactically valid URI the action will fail with an error message.


Sets the string value of an internal variant to the given string value.

Name Required Value Description
variant yes variant The variant being modified; may be empty.
basename no topic name The topic name the variant is to be attached to if one has to be created.

If the variant parameter is not empty the string value of that variant is set to the string provided by the user.

If the variant parameter is empty a new variant attached to the topic name in the basename parameter is created and its string value set to the value provided by the user.