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Type(s): Occurrence type; Public system topic

Subject Identifiers (2)

Occurrences of this Type (25)

  • 2nd highest priority. Work on this task during the planning timeframe if possible. (2)
  • 3rd highest priority. Work on this task within the planning timeframe only after priority 1 and 2 tasks have been attended to. (3)
  • A measurable work item that needs to be accomplished in order to achieve some goal. Tasks are the basic unit of work. They may not be divided. If division is required, the item is best represented by a goal that requires multiple tasks. This new goal can be a sub-goal of another goal. (Task)
  • A personal or business goal. In order to be achieved, a goal usually requires more than one task to be completed. Otherwise, the item at hand will be better represented by a task. A goal may have sub-goals and/or super-goals. (Goal)
  • A unary association whose presence indicates that a goal has been achieved. (achieved)
  • A unary association whose presence indicates that a task has been completed (completed)
  • An association between a goal and a task. Goal G requires Task T when Goal G cannot be achieved without the completion of Task T. (requires task)
  • An association between two tasks in which one plays the role of predecessor and the other plays the role of successor. (has predecessor)
  • Goal A is a super-goal of goal B if goal A cannot be achieved unless Goal B has been achieved. This can also be expressed by saying that Goal B is a sub-goal of Goal A. (super-goal)
  • Goal A is a supported-goal of Goal B if achieving goal B makes achieving Goal A more likely. This can also be expressed by saying that Goal B is a supporting-goal of Goal A. (supported-goal)
  • Goal B is a sub-goal of goal A if goal A cannot be achieved unless goal B is achieved. This can also be expressed by saying that Goal A is a super-goal of goal B. (sub-goal)
  • Goal B is a supporting-goal of Goal A if achieving goal B makes achieving Goal A more likely. This can also be expressed by saying that Goal A is a supported-goal of Goal B. (supporting-goal)
  • Highest priority. Must work on this task within the planning timeframe. (1)
  • Task A is a predecessor of Task B if Task B cannot be started until Task A has completed. This can also be expressed by saying the Task B is a successor of Task A. (predecessor)
  • Task B is a successor of Task A if Task B cannot be started until Task A has completed. This can also be expressed by saying the Task A is a predecessor of Task B. (successor)
  • The association between a task and its priority (has priority)
  • The association between two goals such that one plays the role of super-goal and the other plays the role of sub-goal. (has sub-goal)
  • The association between two goals such that one plays the role of supported-goal and the other plays the role of supporting-goal. (has supporting-goal)
  • The date by which the goal should be achieved or the task completed. (Target Date)
  • The priority assigned to a particular task for the purpose of identifying a list of tasks to be worked on within the planning timeframe. Tasks that are not expected to be worked on within the planning timeframe are not given a priority. (Priority)
  • This is a URI for a document that describes a vendor who might help in completing the task. (Vendor Document)
  • This is a simple tool for planning your life in terms of your goals and the tasks required to achieve them. For an example of how you might use this topic map to create your own plan, please see the example KevinsPlan.xtm. (MyPlan)
  • This is the URI of a document that describes a product that might help in completing the task. (Product Document)
  • This is the URI of a document that provides instructions on how to complete the task. (Instructions Document)
  • This is the URI of a document that provides reference information that can aid in completing the task. (Reference Document)
Object id: 22
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