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Type(s): Opera

Internal Occurrences (2)

  • Note
    • One source suggested that Falene was based on a tale by Henri Murger. While it hasn't been possible to confirm this, the following juxtaposition of 'Falene' and 'Henri Murger' may be worth following up: "Salvatore Collari [Falene, 2d ed. Roma, Igea, 1950 (p. 71)] retraces in delicate colors the romantic setting of Villa Margherita in Rome (between Piazza di Spagna and Trinita dei Monti, facing the Pincio), where Pauline de Beaumont (1768-1803) lived her last months, consumee d'une maladie de langueur. The sinning had not been by default. After her death in the arms of Chateaubriand (1768-1848) , the poet erected a bas-relief in her memory; it can be seen in the church San Luigi dei Francesi. Also pathetic was the death (during the Parisian carnival) of Marguerite Gautier, la dame aux camelias of Alexandre Dumas, even if her last aria in Verdi's La Traviata requires more respiratory reserve than expected from a far advanced pulmonary disease. A similar blasphemy could be ventured about Henri Murger's Mimi in Puccini's La Boheme." (E.R.N. Grig "Historical and Bibliographical Review of Tuberculosis in the Mentally Ill" in Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Volume X, Number 1, p.75)
  • Première date
    • 1920
Object id: 4941
Item identifier(s):